With a background in journalism, communication & media – I only recently in the last few years, started exploring my ceramic practice and the infinite possibility of creating art using clay.

Born in Milan, where I studied for a degree in Social Anthropology, I discovered my love of clay in the UK – where I have lived since 1997 – almost by chance.

First was the wheel… then I noticed myself gravitating more toward traditional hand building techniques. I hand-build free form vessels and sculptures using techniques such as coiling, pinching and kurinuki, a Japanese method of hollowing out from a solid block of clay, carving out a vessel to create ‘interior space’.

I combine my interest for making chawan and yunomi tea cups, lidded boxes and tea caddies with researching and studying more in deep Japanese contemporary ceramics and the tea ceremony with its art, performance, gathering, utensils and vessels.

Lately my creative journey took me back to Kurinuki, still my favourite technique. Very instinctual. The kurinuki method of making is all about energy. The motion is quick, but it’s not just the speed. It contains momentum.

Though much of my work draws upon a Japanese aesthetic, I am more interested in the perfection of the imperfection and enjoying the freedom from carving out and hollowing out from solid blocks of clays, using coarse and smooth crank, clay bodies most suitable for sculpting.

II am getting inspired by art and ceramic books, artists, exhibitions, friends but mostly by daily life and mood.

I am experimenting with both commercial – and not – glaze and slip painting and decorating but my first love is wood ash glazes. I also do paint and marking my vessels with slip.

I am working mostly from a local open access ceramic studio and in my own space at home. When I am researching and writing I am sitting quietly at the London Library.

Open Call | Deadline 23 March 2024
The Emotional Cup: an exhibition on ceramics, textiles, painting and paper. Venue TBC

More info coming soon or if you are interested to know more feel free to email me

Volunteering charity roles

Contact me:
07398 146 205 |